Thursday, August 29, 2013


by Katharine Sileo, Reach Therapist Intern

Everyone has a certain reservoir of emotional energy. What do you do to refill that reservoir when it begins to run low? How do you recharge your emotional energy? Do you let it get drained? Why not top it off daily?
Self-Care is something that is often overlooked and misunderstood. People think that they do not have time to take part in self-care practices or that doing one small thing every day would not make enough of an impact for it to be worth it in their everyday lives. However, if you talk to someone who takes the time to participate in self-care techniques they will happily disagree. My hope is that by the end of this post you will challenge yourself to initiate a self-care routine.
Taking care of yourself not only helps you but everyone around you. If you think that you have no time to take care of yourself because you are too busy with work, school, a spouse or children, guess what? They are not getting the best of you! Take at least 10 minutes a day to do something simple and you will be a better you which will benefit all of those people that you take care of!
Right when you wake up, at lunch, on your way home from work, right after work, before bed. Any time is the right time.
Anything that relieves stress!
• Rather than unloading the dishwasher while you have your cup of coffee, sit on the porch and enjoy the breeze, take a few deep breaths and appreciate the day
• Sit outside, notice what shape the clouds are like you did when you were a kid
• When you get home from work, take a bath rather than rushing through a shower
• Pour yourself a glass of wine and read a book before bed
• Take a walk with your spouse rather than turning on the TV
• Call a college friend and catch up
• Laugh!
• Meditate- download free guided mediation off the internet or onto your smart phone

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