Friday, March 7, 2014

Ready to Spring Forward?

by Laura Bryan, PhD, LMFT
Clinic Director

If you're like me, you're probably quite ready for this winter to be over! I can't remember the last time the South got this much snow, ice, sleet, and just GRAY. Here at Pfeiffer Institute Reach, we're going to encourage the new season to appear by hosting Spring Forward, a FREE workshop for couples, on Monday, March 10, from 6-8pm. Participants can be at any relationship stage -- dating, engaged, cohabiting, married, with or without children. The workshop will be an interactive and educational opportunity to learn about communication skills, trust, and sex! Childcare will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to schedule an appointment with a Therapist Intern to discuss what you learned about your relationship and how you can implement your new skills.

Please RSVP so we know how many people to prepare for. Call 919-941-2900 and tell us you're ready to Spring Forward!

Also remember that you should move your clocks ahead (spring forward!) this Sunday, March 9.

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